In spite of what many different books, movies, and websites may lead you to believe, training a horse is not a simple or straightforward procedure. However, not everything about it is a mystery, and you and your horse are both able to gain knowledge together. The smartest course of action is to do so while working with an experienced trainer or coach. A horse may be cared for, handled, and trained in a variety of ways; yet there are a few fundamental things that should never under any circumstances be done to a horse.
Reprimanding them by tying them up and expecting them to “think” about their actions. It demonstrates a lack of knowledge as to how horses comprehend things when people let them “think” about things on their own. Horses are very present-oriented animals. They do not comprehend that the cause of your annoyance with them is regarding something that occurred one hour earlier, or even ten minutes ago for that matter. They are not capable of reasoning in that manner. It is unlikely that tying a horse up against a wall, subjecting it to extreme temperatures, and preventing it from moving or seeing anything else will result in anything but an unhappy horse. If you own a horse and want to outfit him with the most impressive equipment, then we recommend that you look into cinch girth
Don’t give them any food or water. Unfortunately, there are some instructors out there who believe it is appropriate to “discipline” a horse by depriving it of its food or water. They think that if they don’t feed it, it will have less energy to fight against them and would be more cooperative with them. It could seem that this is an easy way to get an obedient horse. However, this goes against the principles of proper horse care and is not an effective technique of “training.”
Toss the Reins or Pull on the Lead Rope. A punishment that involves pulling in order to correct any inappropriate conduct will be ineffective. Your horse is not learning; rather, it is merely responding in order to avoid the force being applied to it.
Yelling. A verbal reprimand delivered at the appropriate moment might put an end to an undesirable behavior shown by your horse. On the other hand, it may not. A screaming fit, on the other hand, would almost probably simply confuse it and maybe scare it. It’s one thing to yell at your horse, but throwing a tantrum isn’t going to strengthen your connection with him. Not only will it make you appear stupid to any human witnesses, but it will also make your horse uncomfortable.
Just remember that at no point should you hurt your horse. Abuse of horses refers to the act of inflicting pain or injury on any horse for any purpose except for self-defense. Abuse and cruelty against animals are punishable by law, both on the state and federal levels. The most prevalent reason for mistreating horses is a simple lack of knowledge.